Micronutrient Test: Nutrient Deficiency, Causes, Symptoms, Testing and Treatment

Micronutrients Testing: Why is it done, nutrient deficiency symptoms, and test cost
Micronutrients Testing

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), micronutrient deficiency affects nearly 2 billion globally. It might be hard to make sure you have all the necessary vitamins and minerals in your diet. With a Micronutrient Test, however, you can get an accurate assessment of your vitamin and mineral levels – giving you peace of mind that you are getting what your body needs.

A Micronutrient Test is a blood test that measures the levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in your blood. In this article, we will discuss why Micronutrient Tests are done, how they are different from other blood tests, what the results mean, and much more.

  1. What are nutrients?
  2. How do micronutrients differ from regular nutrients?
  3. What is a micronutrient test?
  4. Why is a micronutrient test done?
  5. Symptoms of nutrient deficiencies
  6. How is a micronutrient test different from other blood tests?
  7. What do micronutrient test results mean?
  8. Treatment for nutrient deficiencies
  9. Provider locations

For our readers who are interested in knowing the micronutrient test cost beforehand, we begin with that section.

How much does the micronutrient test cost?

The cost of the micronutrient test is about $179 in the U.S. No prior appointment is required. Order your test kit online, and get tested from the comfort of your home. Complete the procedure and get the results in your email in 2 to 5 business days. Apart from this, doctor consultation is available for any kind of further treatment or medical advice.

The table below shows the micronutrient testing provider and their price. You can know more and book the test by clicking on the “Order Now” button.

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  • Reports – 2 to 5 days
  • The entire U.S., except for New York
  • The at-home test kit will be delivered to your home
  • Tests covered – Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin E, Copper, Selenium, Zinc, and Magnesium.


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Micronutrient test cost with insurance

Many insurance companies in the U.S. cover all the vital tests like the micronutrient test. However, the coverage provided by private health insurance companies and national health insurance programs like Medicare varies widely. Most health insurance policies cover micronutrient test costs only once or twice a year and when your physician orders more than twice in a year, you should pay the test cost out of pocket. So, you are recommended to check if your health insurance policy covers the micronutrient test cost.

Our micronutrient testing provider does not accept any kind of health insurance policy. However, they can provide you with an itemized receipt containing all the details viz the name of the test, code of the test, and CPT code which is necessary for insurance reimbursement purposes.

What are Nutrients?

Nutrients are essential components that your body needs to function properly. They play a significant role in growth and development, as well as in maintaining good health. Nutrients can be divided into two main categories: macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, and fats which provide energy for the body. Micronutrients include vitamins, minerals, and other trace elements which are necessary for a variety of bodily processes such as digestion, metabolism, muscle contraction, blood clotting, and immunity.

How do micronutrients differ from regular nutrients?

Your body needs a wide range of nutrient sources to ensure adequate nutrient intake including:

  • Vitamins A through K
  • Minerals such as calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Fatty acids
  • Amino acids
  • Dietary fiber
  • Water
  • Plant phytochemicals, and
  • Antioxidants such as carotenoids.

Some nutrients can be obtained from food sources while others need to be taken in supplement form if dietary sources are not available.


Micronutrients, generally, do not directly contribute to energy production but play an integral role in keeping your body functioning optimally by aiding in the following functions:

  • Cellular nutrient absorption
  • Regulating hormones
  • Ensuring proper nerve communication
  • Creating enzymes to assist in chemical reactions throughout your body
  • Helping protect your cells from damage caused by free toxins produced during metabolism
  • Helping repair tissue damage after physical exercise or injury, and
  • Providing antioxidant protection against disease-causing agents like bacteria and viruses.

If your micronutrient level falls below the normal range, then it can impact any of the above bodily functions indicating immediate attention to set your nutrient intake back on track.


Macronutrients provide the body with energy in the form of calories. Proteins provide four calories per gram while carbohydrates and fats provide nine calories per gram. It is important to consume the right amount of macronutrients based on your activity level and health goals in order to maintain a healthy balance between calorie intake and expenditure.

What is a Micronutrient Test?

A Micronutrient Test is a simple, non-invasive blood test that measures your overall micronutrient levels. The test measures the level of 33 different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and metabolites in your bloodstream. Micronutrient test results provide you with detailed information about the nutrients in your body.

A Micronutrient Test is recommended for both men and women, particularly those with an active lifestyle or who may be at risk for nutrient deficiencies due to lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol in excess, taking prescription medications, not eating a nutrient-rich diet, hormone changes during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.

What is a Micronutrient Test, test results and testing cost in the US - DxSaver
Micronutrient Test – Overview

Why is a Micronutrient Test done?

A Micronutrient Test is typically done to identify nutrient deficiencies that may lead to health problems. It can be particularly helpful for those who are experiencing symptoms of nutrient deficiency, such as fatigue, joint pain, or skin problems. The test can also help to identify any nutrient imbalances in the body, which can be caused by certain conditions or lifestyle factors.

Micronutrient deficiencies can lead to severe health problems, so it is highly recommended to know if you have any nutrient deficiencies by taking periodic testing.

Symptoms of Nutrient deficiencies

Micronutrient deficiency is commonly overlooked yet it can cause serious health issue that affects both men and women. Micronutrient deficiency occurs when the body does not have enough of one or more nutrient compounds such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, dietary fiber, plant phytochemicals, and antioxidants. This deficit of nutrients can lead to a variety of symptoms depending on which nutrient you’re lacking.

Nutrient deficiency symptoms in men

Men are particularly at risk for nutrient deficiencies due to their lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol in excess, taking prescription medications, and not eating a nutrient-rich diet. Common micronutrient deficiencies among men include Vitamin B12 and folate, zinc, and iron. Deficiency in these micronutrients can be shown as a symptom by any of the following signs:

  • Fatigue
  • Poor concentration
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Poor muscle strength and stamina
  • Low libido
  • Reduced fertility
  • Weakened immune system, and
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Nutrient deficiency symptoms in women

Women are also at risk for nutrient deficiencies due to hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Common micronutrient deficiencies among women include iron, zinc, vitamin D, and calcium. Deficiency in these micronutrients can be shown as a sign of:

  • Anemia due to insufficient iron levels
  • Lowered immunity
  • Impaired bone health leads to osteoporosis in postmenopausal women due to lack of calcium
  • Fatigue due to insufficient vitamin D levels
  • Slowed wound healing time due to lack of zinc, and
  • Increased risk for certain forms of cancer including breast cancer.

How is a Micronutrient Test different from other blood tests?

Micronutrient Test is different from other blood tests because it looks at specific vitamins and minerals in greater detail. Additionally, it gives an indication of whether these nutrients are being absorbed into your cells or not. This makes it easier to diagnose nutrient deficiencies more accurately and determine the best course of action for treating them.

It is important for both men and women to get their nutrient levels checked regularly so that any nutrient deficiencies present can be identified early on and treated accordingly. A Micronutrient Test is one way of doing this by measuring the nutrient levels in your blood so that you know where additional supplementation may be required or if there are any underlying health issues causing nutrient imbalances in your body that need further evaluation or treatment by a healthcare professional.

What do Micronutrient Test results mean?

The results of a micronutrient test can provide valuable insights into your nutrient status. It helps identify nutrient deficiencies or imbalances that could potentially affect their overall health and well-being. The results can give you an idea of what nutrient deficiencies may be present in your body and how severe they are. Depending on the severity, you may need to take supplements or make dietary changes to address your nutrient deficiency. Your healthcare provider may also recommend lifestyle modifications such as stress reduction or exercise to help improve nutrient absorption in the body.

For example, if you have low levels of vitamin B12 they may experience fatigue and poor concentration; if you are deficient in iron, you may feel tired all the time. By testing nutrient levels, your doctor can recommend dietary adjustments or nutrient supplements to help address nutrient deficiencies and improve overall health.

Treatment for nutrient deficiencies

There’s no one specific method that fits all because the test contains a panel of blood measures that needs different types of treatment to get the levels back to normal range. Generally, it is recommended to first increase nutrient consumption through nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; although depending on the nutrient level detected, supplementation may be necessary.

Treatment for mild nutrient deficiencies

For mild nutrient deficiencies, natural food sources are usually adequate to restore nutrient balance in the body. Nutrient-dense foods like lean meats, seafood, dairy products, nuts, and seeds provide an excellent source of vitamins A through K as well as minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Fruits and vegetables also contain important trace minerals like iodine and zinc which are essential for proper thyroid function. Plant-based proteins such as beans and legumes are also great sources of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids which help promote healthy cell communication within your body.

Treatment for high nutrient deficiencies

In cases where nutrient levels are too low to be corrected with diet alone or if a person is unable to consume enough nutrient-dense foods due to health conditions like digestive disorders or chronic illness, supplementation may be necessary. Natural supplements derived from food sources rather than synthetic ones tend to be safer for long-term use and have fewer side effects. Consult your doctor before taking any type of dietary supplement in order to determine appropriate dosages which can vary depending on age, sex, body weight, and underlying health conditions.

It is important to note that while identifying nutrient deficiencies through testing can help guide treatment plans going forward; restoring nutrient balance in the body is a gradual process that requires time and dedication so patience and consistency are key when correcting micronutrient deficiencies with nutrition or supplementation. Additionally, periodic follow-up testing after 6 months can help confirm that treatment is working effectively so that adjustments can be made if needed.

Providers’ locations

A micronutrient test can be done at any of your nearby labs or with our partner who sends the at-home test kit to your doorstep. To know the cost of a micronutrient at-home test kit, refer to the first section of the article.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How often should I get a Micronutrient Test?

It is recommended that individuals get a Micronutrient Test every one to two years to ensure nutrient levels in the body are optimal.

What do the results indicate?

The results of a Micronutrient Test will show you what nutrient deficiencies may be present and how severe they are. This information can then be used to determine the best course of action for treating nutrient deficiency.

Are there any risks associated with getting a Micronutrient Test?

No, there are no known risks associated with getting a Micronutrient Test. However, it is important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions when taking supplements or making dietary changes as these can have an impact on nutrient absorption in the body.

How should I order my at-home Micronutrient test kit?

You can click on the “Order Now” button and make a purchase from our partner’s website (LetsGetChecked) by following the instructions mentioned.

How do I receive my report?

To ensure your privacy, the test report will be mailed to you by the provider or you can download the LetsGetChecked app to know your status under your profile.

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